Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What to look for in a property lawyer: Part 3 - Final

In my final instalment on what to look for in a property lawyer, I discuss two key aspects to consider.

Value for Money

Let me say at the outset, this does not mean cheap! Too many buyers/sellers let the price determine who they will use. There is nothing wrong with obtaining a few quotes too compare. However, what many people forget to take into account is the value and significance of the property transaction. If you are spending $2,000.00 on a holiday it is perfectly understandable that you will try to minimise other transaction costs. But if you are spending $600,000.00 or $1,500,000.00 to purchase a property, the costs of a property lawyer form a very small proportion of the overall costs. More importantly, the purchase is one of the biggest transactions you will ever enter into. Isn't it worth paying for expertise, experience and quality service?

A property lawyer will charge more than a conveyancer. But you should consider this as an appropriate investment in your property. A good property lawyer will ensure that your sale or purchase is handled professionally with minimal hassles.

Contactable and Personal Attention

What clients have mentioned to me about using conveyancers is the lack of personal care and attention that they have received. This is linked directly to the fees that you pay. If the conveyancer is going to be half the price (or often more) of a property lawyer, then you can expect half the time spent on your transaction. This may mean not being able to speak to the person in charge of your sale or purchase or delays in getting back to you etc. Spending the money on a good property lawyer means that you will be able to speak to someone who knows exactly where your transaction is up to. It means that your lawyer will understand the context for your sale and purchase and will guide you through it in a stress-free manner.

Jonathan Marquet
Emil Ford & Co.

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